Serena Kropus


The late lady Kropus, Lucien's mother and wife to Vader Kropus was a woman of stature, dignity and heart who believed in her family's legacy and her husbands will to overcome the wilds of the Farsea.

In her need to support their efforts, Serena would become acquainted with many of the swamp denizens peoples at all levels. The lady Serena made a point of joining her husband on many of his travels and in due course on her own volition to many of the settlements and major cities of the swamp peoples.

As an accomplished mage of some mild skill, she would aid these settlements with her abilities and would eventually come to learn many of the magicks of the swamp denizens shamans, compiling them in due course and producing what would be called by some the Guardian's Grimoire.

She was not shy about her pride in her family's legacy and her efforts were made clear in the peace along so many tenuous borders with her visits.

In her passing some treaties were torn but many lasted and have continued to last for the last several decades.


