


Grungs came to the Farseas from Chult, however the migration was performed near solely by green warriors whom were long ago thought lost to their explorations.

In fact, the Grung tribes who ventured to the Farseas found themselves fortunate, confronted with a bounty of great proportion.

Over the course of a few short decades, they would multiply and establish themselves as a formidable population not to be trifled with.

These Green Grung tribes found their leadership in the monastic and cunning Sivs who had found themselves slowly being ousted by the burgeoning humanoids and other swamp natives.

Following their faith, the Grungs have established a caste between their tribes, respectively consisting of the Everekko, the Nooripple, the Sharthorn and the Morsun.

Each of the Grung tribes ferociously holds a section of the Farseas with only Grungs and a few Sivs making up the population.

Grung tribes in the Farsea consist of the Chief, their Advisor (a Siv), the Chiefs special warriors, labourers, hunters & gatherers, scouts and general militia guarding their region.

The Farseas Grungs, like their Siv leadership, are fiercely racist against non swamp peoples, refusing to interact outright unless there is a driving interest for them.






A fascinating and complex race with a unique set of abilities and societal structures.

Physical Characteristics

Appearance: Amphibious humanoids with frog heads, standing about 5 feet tall and weighing around 100 pounds. Their skin ranges from pale green to dark blue.

Abilities: Adapted to cold marshes, Sivs have resistance to cold conditions. They can walk on water as long as the surface is relatively calm.

Personality and Tactics

Disposition: Sivs are calculating, tactical, and disciplined. They possess an elitist attitude, considering themselves superior due to their dominance in swamp territories.

Combat Approach: They prefer to weaken opponents with nets and slingshots before engaging directly. Many are trained as monks, skilled in using sianghams (a type of spear) and nets.

Society and Culture

Habitat: Sivs inhabit ruins within swamps, particularly in the Marsh of Chelimber, the Vast Swamp, and the Farsea Marshes.

Social Structure: They live in monastic orders and prefer to rule from behind the scenes, often manipulating other swamp-dwelling races like lizardfolk.

Relationship with Bullywugs: They maintain a facade of rivalry with bullywugs but use them as a buffer against outside threats, appreciating their privacy and isolation.


Clerical Practices: Siv clerics are rare and align with the domains of Law and Evil, as well as Death and Water.

History and Beliefs

Origins: They are believed to be creations or descendants of the ancient batrachi race.
Worldview: Sivs have attempted to expand their territory beyond the swamps but have consistently failed. Despite this, they maintain a strong belief in their superiority




Farseas Guardians Spirits


The beast races fo the Farseas swamp worship a pantheon of guardian spirits as per the Siv religions that have spread about the marshes.

Papa Croakus

Domain: Marshes, Communication, Guidance
Description: Papa Croakus is the guardian of the murky marshes, serving as the guide through the swamp's treacherous waters. He facilitates communication between the mortal realm and the spirit world, providing wisdom and direction.

Maman Lilies

Domain: Love, Fertility, Nature
Description: Maman Lilies is the goddess of love and fertility in the swamp, representing the lush and vibrant flora. She blesses unions and ensures the fertility of the land, nurturing the hearts of the swamp's inhabitants.

Baron Slumber

Domain: Transition, Rest, Regeneration
Description: Baron Slumber oversees the cycle of life and death within the swamp. He grants restful sleep and renewal to those in need, ensuring that the departed find peace in their journey.


Domain: Protection, Craftsmanship, Wetland Resources
Description: Crocun is the protector of the swamp's resources and the art of crafting. Swamp dwellers invoke his name for safeguarding their homes and for guidance in utilizing the swamp's abundant materials.


Domain: Transformation, Serpents, Hidden Knowledge
Description: Dambastra, represented as a serpent coiled in the shadows, embodies transformation and the hidden mysteries of the swamp. Seekers of hidden truths and profound change turn to Dambastra for guidance.

Gran Sombra

Domain: Ancestry, Afterlife, Legacy
Description: Gran Sombra is the guardian of ancestral spirits and the continuity of lineage. Swamp inhabitants honor their forebears and seek Gran Sombra's protection for their family legacies.


Domain: Waterways, Navigation, Abundance
Description: Agwee governs the swamp's labyrinthine waterways and the bounty they offer. Fishermen and travelers on the swamp's currents call upon Agwee for safe journeys and prosperous catches.


Domain: Rainfall, Renewal, Balance
Description: Ayida-Mist is the bringer of rainfall, refreshing the swamp and maintaining its equilibrium. The balance of the swamp's delicate ecosystem is preserved through her guidance.


Domain: Joy, Laughter, Celebrations
Description: Ghedebo and his merry troupe of spirits bring laughter and mirth to the swamp's festivities. They revel in life's joys and accompany celebratory rituals with their infectious spirit.

Gran Woolan

Domain: Healing, Vegetation, Protection
Description: Gran Woolan is the guardian of the swamp's abundant vegetation and a healer of ailments. Swamp-dwelling herbalists and protectors of the wilderness invoke her for their endeavors.




Vader Kropus



Vader Kropus




Dranten Kropus


Vaders father and son to Hiren Kropus, Dranten had big shoes to fill while his brother wanted nothing to do with the family affairs.

Alone in a strange world while his father suffered the loss of their mother, Dranten wanted to let his father leave this world with a proud smile and worked to see the swamp region officiated as a state of the Cormyrean empire.

In due course Dranten managed to see several parchments stamped between Threetrees and Suzail, convincing Obarskyr and Wartscale alike that the true enemy was bandits and distrust for one another and that alliances, trade and a combined future was for the best.

To everyones surprise, Dranten was not only successful, but it turned out that many had been clamouring for the resources that the Farseas had to offer.

Dranten maintained close relations with several individuals and allegedly sired many bastards; he eventually married the Lady Yolanda Foxmantle forging a loose alliance with the distant Sembian family. Together they sired Vader Kropus and to their surprise they adopted the son of Leopold, Richelieu Kropus who came upon their home when Vader had reached his early 20s.






A misbegotten and eventually forgotten member of the Kropus house, Leopold wanted little to nothing to do with the swamps and sought life up north.

Rumour has it he died in a bar fight in Baldurs Gate.







Dranten Kropus




Dorimo Aris


Half brother to the Aris bloodline, Dorimo is son of a Wu Jen priestess from Kara-Tur whom Erdrick would befriend and romance during time he spent just beyond the Hordelands.




Erdrick Aris









A confirmed son of the Aris bloodline and once a mercenary in the Cormyrean service, Erdrick liberated the Farseas by sword, strength and guile. He sought to reclaim his birthright by removing Thaalim Torchtowers reign.

As luck would have it, the fates agreed it was time for a change in management.






The Aris family reinherited their birthright, Castle Aris and rulership of the Farseas after the last of Thaalim Torchtower's forces were wiped out in the beginning of the 14th century by Erdrick Aris.






This term was specifically used by King Azoun Obarskyr IV to refer to Cormyrean peoples.

People or Person of Cormyr. aka. Cormyrian or Cormyrean

While the Farseas and surrounding regions are considered part of the Cormyrean empire, the Tunlands population is comprised of swamp denizens who choose not to be recognized as citizens of Cormyr but a separate people within the kingdom.






People or Person of Cormyr. aka. Cormyte or Cormyrian

While the Farseas and surrounding regions are considered part of the Cormyrean empire, the Tunlands population is comprised of swamp denizens who choose not to be recognized as citizens of Cormyr but a separate people within the kingdom.






People or Person of Cormyr. aka. Cormyte or Cormyrean

While the Farseas and surrounding regions are considered part of the Cormyrean empire, the Tunlands population is comprised of swamp denizens who choose not to be recognized as citizens of Cormyr but a separate people within the kingdom.






Elven for Iron Garden, the family is known for their brisk trade of finished military goods and raw swamp resources.

With their hold upon Wyrmhall the family appreciates a secure and remote location rich and ripe with the wealth of the marshes at all times of year.

They maintain a labour force throughout the wetlands having negotiated with Threetrees, Nykhas Rest and Ariston merchants, organizing regular transport of their goods up and down the Tun river.

They are known to be fiercely defensive of their position however do not get involved in any conquest or property disputes outside their own interests. They show no interest in expanding their interests, but to maintain and upkeep their existing empire.

The fraternity of four rules the city state that could. Tycho, Sigma, Paxallo and Bennochio Irungarten are each a hearty stalwart soldier of the cause amidst their brothers, each of them taking a role and specialization.

The fortress and surrounding populous are strongly defended by a range of strange technologies that seem to range from Netheril, Dwarven per Citadel Adbars defensive strategies, and some form of half elven.

The city of Irungarten is mostly suspended in a surrounding web of super structure built of steel, wood and stone where applicable respective of the terrain. Wyrmhall sits nestled in a web of this skeletal structure that supports the super gothic arrangement of Tycho and his brothers' inspiration.

The SMO or S&M

Established by Sigma and Tycho to be overseen by Bennochio, the Steamworks and Magicka Obscura is a workshop where Irungarten conducts research into whatever they may.


Bennochio and Sigma organize the team of artificers, necromancers and clerics who conduct the duties in resurrection, grafting, astral travel, and communication.

Tychos Tower

From the top of a 30 story tower high over the city, Tycho observes the fortress, the populous expanse, tarlands and outposts through the clutch. He entrusts his many progeny with minor tasks to show their meager value beyond battery service.




Tycho Irungarten


Lord Tycho Irungarten is a noble who governs several hamlets along the western bank of the swamp, including the strategic fortress, Wyrmhall.

Known for his genteel demeanor and his fondness for dice games, Lord Irungarten leads a family that follows the faiths of Helm and Torm, albeit with varying degrees of devotion.

His current concern revolves around the troubling talk of civil war and of refugees on the swamp's outskirts, which threaten the stability of his holdings.

Lord Irungarten will seek answers to these unsettling reports to fulfill his commitment to the well-being of his domain.




Ottickal Greybeard


Lord Ottickal Greybeard, a dwarf Lord hailing from High Horn, is a descendant of the legendary figure Dhag Greybeard. What sets Lord Greybeard apart is his unparalleled memory, which holds a vast repository of the region's history. His name is often associated with Molly, the Elfin consort of Dhag, and with fellow Mortimarr Greybeard, who now serves as the Herald of High Horn and shares a lineage with Dhag. These connections to a bygone era make Lord Ottickal Greybeard a living link to the past, offering invaluable insights into the region's history.




Marcellus Windham Foxmantle


A Sembian merchant lord he is head of the Foxmantle family and owner of the Foxmantle Grains empire.

He is known as an intelligent sort who enjoys throwing parties although he curiously attends few of them.






Purveyors of Foxmantle Grains across Cormyr & Sembia, the company is known and depended upon for quality and plentiful deliveries in all conditions.

The family was known for having close ties with the Kropus House and allied with Dranton and later Vader Kropus. When Lucien took his seat, the Foxmantles retracted their support, citing the youth as a risk that they did not trust yet.

Lord Marcellus Windham Foxmantle leads the family with an objective and ruthless motivation to the family's interests.







From the ripe age of 16 when his fathers Vader Kropus' demise put him at the head of the house, Lucien was doing everything he could to lead Zepherine as he had seen and learned from his father, his mother and the stories of their forebears.

During his ~30 years as the leadership of the company he was witness to the rise of the Aris family as Erdrick passed and Jon, Caduca and eventually their half brother Dorimo would rise to lead the noble court in the Cormyrian swamplands.






Devout followers of Kelemvor and the closest of friends that the Kropus House had to their credit, the Osrins included Lord Yorick Osrin, his son Aromarr Osrin, bore to him by his concubine the Lady Rachel Foxmantle.




Kropus Family







Serena Kropus


The late lady Kropus, Lucien's mother and wife to Vader Kropus was a woman of stature, dignity and heart who believed in her family's legacy and her husbands will to overcome the wilds of the Farsea.

In her need to support their efforts, Serena would become acquainted with many of the swamp denizens peoples at all levels. The lady Serena made a point of joining her husband on many of his travels and in due course on her own volition to many of the settlements and major cities of the swamp peoples.

As an accomplished mage of some mild skill, she would aid these settlements with her abilities and would eventually come to learn many of the magicks of the swamp denizens shamans, compiling them in due course and producing what would be called by some the Guardian's Grimoire.

She was not shy about her pride in her family's legacy and her efforts were made clear in the peace along so many tenuous borders with her visits.

In her passing some treaties were torn but many lasted and have continued to last for the last several decades.




Caduca Aris


A stout stocky figure with large arms, torso and personality.

Caduca is an imposing figure who chose the lifestyle of traveling around the Farseas, fearlessly visiting whomever resides within what he feels is a shared kingdom he and his brothers are charged with caring after.

While Caduca resents some of his father Erdricks methods and traits, he holds dear the idea of their birthright being their care in the prospering of the population and his fathers unwavering conviction in achieving it.

Caduca is easily the width of two people side by side, with hulking shoulders and arms and thick legs that have walked many leagues.

He is a sensitive and gentle giant who despises cruelty in all forms.

He is known to wrestle crocodiles for entertainment during parties, a feat that even Dorimo is stunned by.




Jon Aris


Once a simple carpenter working his trade blissfully far away from his legacy, he was surprised when his father, the late Lord Erdrick Aris stated that they were to take up their birthright in the face of his brothers "failure to be a bad bards tale."

Over two decades, young Jon, a skilled and passionate wood worker, watched his family morph. His father ejected his brother who was refusing his 'royal duties', abandon his throne for a strange sudden conquest, vanishing for nearly two years before suddenly reappearing to retake his place as patriarch of the house.

During his fathers absence, Jon watched his mother grow ill from the cold north, and the musty, swamp atmosphere. Eventually, she had had enough of the clerics, the bandits on the roads, and the general country life and opted to divorce the family and take her chances back in Suzail. She begged Jon to come with but with a broken heart he had to tell her that he would honour their birthright, despite his father.

It was also during this time that Caduca Aris would return, having explored the swamps and having met many swamp denizens.

Reinstating Caduca as a member of the family was within Jon's power as his father had been absent for more than a year. During their time of ruling together, Jon and Caduca discovered they had a natural ability for asserting themselves both in court and among their people, having spent years in both circles.

In due course, the kingdom would slowly change, organizing efforts to improve and better their trade, communications and protection of their people.

Jon has two sons, Denneron (Denny), and Ottiluke (Otto). Ottiluke is considered the finest Alchemist in the eastern heart lands and his brother Denneron a capable marksman, swordsman and justice of the peace in the lands.






A shrewd tyrant, Vader was a half elven man who believed in the "power of word before sword" as he would say.

Few knew that Vader was truly playing upon words in that he was also a formally trained mage, practiced in a range of magics.

His passion lay in the family business and more pointedly, in winning over the most unwinnable of situations.

His achievements included quelling the rampant violence of the predatory megagator known as One Eye by entombing its eggs in a vault under the agreement of their protection and unfettered incubation in exchange for the gators refrainment from attacking and pillaging the settlements of the swamp peoples.

He was entombed in the Kropus Vault alongside his fore fathers and late lady Serena Kropus who had passed during Lucien Kropus' birth.





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