

A storied lineage that stretches back to the beginning of the Cloud Spires civilization, this family holds ties with many factions within and without the mountains.

They are responsible for the first peace between the elves and humans and hold today, even in their absence, as a force of memory.

Though unspoken, the family is the resolute and Royal family, known for putting it all on the line, and coming out on top.

Harrison Saxburg is prince of the house hold and the Royals Peak with veto power over council movements. The role consists of a great deal of soft power, maintained by Malchor and Elizabetha before their unfortunate demise.

His father, Malchor, was recently discovered to be alive nearly two years after the horrible crash that claimed his mother Elizabetha (of the Vogon house).

During Harrisons absence, the family was being watched over by Lord Leostrad Vogon.

