They say you can't write a good story without conflict. No really.
So goes the story of my relationships as well.
Each time we face adversity at the table, we come out a little better as we're all forced to adapt and adjust.
With everyone seeming ready to move forward, the show continues tonight as the magicians of the party get to meet the powers operating this new location they've landed in.
New Sand!
If ever there was a reason to celebrate. The fact that Jessica went out of her way to go and get new sand at her own expense, is just awesome.
Thank you, Jessica.
She may have done this three weeks ago and I finally transferred it into the table last week, Saturday.
That shrunken photo can be blown up to 1.5' in height if anyone wants to print it out and just admire it.
No more puffing sand.
No more clouding sand.
No more stench.
I've got a big bin of shitty sand sitting out front that I've got to offload now. Ugh.
The plot (or lack of?) in Waterdeep
Waterdeep is something everyone was excited to visit, and I was excited to portray.
Being that we have six people worth of storylines to weave together, some may have noticed that each session seems to focus on one person or another in some fashion, making a specific person the centre of attention or the jarjar binks of the scenario.
The fact that we have six stories to weave means things tend to get slow for certain storylines.
While Eilonwy's story will find itself interjecting upon each session as the B story in the arching line, each of the other characters including Helbrim, have a reason to be here.
I've got some more writing to do in prep for tonight.
Tune in at 7pm PST for all the action <3