So the plot point system needs to become a player system for driving the plot behind the scenes.
This means the game would become largely about settling scores and playing out events that need playing out.
This would also mean better documentation of the ingame events for scribery.
My end goal is to avoid the rigamorole of the players going back and forth with their plans, and to get the game on the straight and narrow off the hop.
The issue I have with that is the game becomes play by mail.
Nobody wants to play by mail.
Ultimately, I think all this is an excuse. While the RP has been heavy, I'm always getting my plans under way far too late, leading to panic and loss of direction.
My planning has been off. I've not been planning so much that I have every step. I have an end game and a constant direction, but I aim short with session to session plans in order to keep things dynamic.
I plan quite a bit, with scads of side notes about what's going on the in the world, but it all tends to be in directions we don't go.
The best sessions, you can imagine, are the ones where I've got everything worked out.