Swamp Gods


The Farseas peoples have their own culture, their own practices, their own magics and their own gods.

While not all the swamp peoples share the same faith and each beast race may have their own specific deity watching over them, all residents of the Farseas seem to agree upon and provide worship to this self same pantheon that has emerged over the course of the centuries.

Papa Croakus

  • Domain: Marshes, Communication, Guidance
  • Description: Papa Croakus is the guardian of the murky marshes, serving as the guide through the swamp's treacherous waters. He facilitates communication between the mortal realm and the spirit world, providing wisdom and direction.

2. Maman Lillies

  • Domain: Love, Fertility, Nature
  • Description: Maman Lilies is the goddess of love and fertility in the swamp, representing the lush and vibrant flora. She blesses unions and ensures the fertility of the land, nurturing the hearts of the swamp's inhabitants.

3. Baron Slumber

  • Domain: Transition, Rest, Regeneration
  • Description: Baron Slumber oversees the cycle of life and death within the swamp. He grants restful sleep and renewal to those in need, ensuring that the departed find peace in their journey.

4. Oxxonn

  • Domain: Protection, Craftsmanship, Wetland Resources
  • Description: Oxxonn is the protector of the swamp's resources and the art of crafting. Swamp dwellers invoke his name for safeguarding their homes and for guidance in utilizing the swamp's abundant materials.

5. Dambastra

  • Domain: Transformation, Serpents, Hidden Knowledge
  • Description: Dambastra, represented as a serpent coiled in the shadows, embodies transformation and the hidden mysteries of the swamp. Seekers of hidden truths and profound change turn to Dambastra for guidance.

6. Gran Sombra

  • Domain: Ancestry, Afterlife, Legacy
  • Description: Gran Sombra is the guardian of ancestral spirits and the continuity of lineage. Swamp inhabitants honor their forebears and seek Gran Sombra's protection for their family legacies.

7. Agwee

  • Domain: Waterways, Navigation, Abundance
  • Description: Agwee governs the swamp's labyrinthine waterways and the bounty they offer. Fishermen and travelers on the swamp's currents call upon Agwee for safe journeys and prosperous catches.

8. Ayida-Aub

  • Domain: Rainfall, Renewal, Balance
  • Description: Ayida-Aub is the bringer of rainfall, refreshing the swamp and maintaining its equilibrium. The balance of the swamp's delicate ecosystem is preserved through her guidance.

9. Ghedebo

  • Domain: Joy, Laughter, Celebrations
  • Description: Ghedebo and his merry troupe of spirits bring laughter and mirth to the swamp's festivities. They revel in life's joys and accompany celebratory rituals with their infectious spirit.

10. Gran Woodland

  • Domain: Healing, Vegetation, Protection
  • Description: Gran Woodland is the guardian of the swamp's abundant vegetation and a healer of ailments. Swamp-dwelling herbalists and protectors of the wilderness invoke her for their endeavors.


