CloudSpires : Season 2

dooley's picture

There are a number of new WIki entries coming in the next few days to help establish what's been happening over the six months leading up to tomorrows game. I'm fitting this in as best I can between work and such so bear with me folks.

6 months have passed since the saviours of the CloudSpires ventured to the depths of the volcano and quelled the impending eruptions.

The Royals Peak Church of Oghma, with the help of Daed's outreach and the now allied beast races, successfully identified the corruption that had caused the Fire Giants to ignore their duty of protecting the temple within the volcano and with the support of several great houses, the saviours, headed by the primogeniture of the Ketterrog family have set to cleansing the mountains of the few remaining points in which the cultists had entrenched themselves.

This season, I'm opening up a different form of gameplay that the viewers can get down on.

CSC: Contracts

Ivor Ketterrog is now a chartered bad ass with his own crew but they need work! You the viewers can provide them work and that means submitting jobs that will need the Ketterrog organization to send troops to assist. As a result, Ketterrog's crew will gain experience and gold in payment for services rendered.

Just add plot points in the usual manner and mark them as CSCC or Contract. They'll be introduced at the next earliest opportunity.