I loved Mass Effect 2. I didn't give a shit for the first one, and I thought the third one was drag ass and clueless.
Mass Effect 2 though, that one was amazing.
Time travel's done with, and the players are relieved for that. The Karrassel made an appearance and is now gone again. Maybe in another two campaigns I'll have them show up to kick some ass again. I did buy the minis after all :)
I've got to put some work into the fairy and use some judgement when it comes to viewer interactions. Some suggestions that stuck with me from last night are a count down for affecting the game and a 'current turn' label to indicate whose turn it is and a round counter. I like the round counter especially as it'd be very useful and easy to code. A timer won't prevent abuse, but it gives players and viewers the basics of a framework.
So why didn't I follow through on killing Nim despite the investment and Celeste's protestations of 'null danger campaign'?
Killing a character outright through XP abuse isn't something I was okay with. How far will I go? Not that far. Affectations upon the gameplay are one thing but nobody would want to suddenly see their character completely obliterated.
The other side of it all is the time factor. The Chronomancers had their interest and I should have had Bale or Janaya conduct an escape after the first successful capture.
Enough about all that; so it goes. I feel it's time to wrap things up.