CloudSpire Chronicles

Every Friday from 7pm PST to Midnight, we play D&D 5th Edition in a world based on Forgotten Realms in the far future.

A diesel punk setting consisting of a world being consumed, floating expansive islands in the sky and the lifestyle that goes with them.

Airships, flotillas, and entire societies trawl the sky seeking their prey, whatever that may be. Upon the surface of Torril, the denizens try to fight against the destructive forces all around them. In the under dark, great and unnatural things take place, gestating and bursting to the surface.

Fluff aside, the world is based in a northern kingdom known was the Cloud Spires mountain range. It is the northern most point of the Spine of the World, which is still known as the Spine of the World.

The entire Cloud Spires mountain range is approximately 100 kilometers.

Due to the entrenched nature of the civilization and the perilous rock formations, air ships must be specially equipped to traverse more than the primary roost provided at the Royals Peak, the highest, flattest and most open pinnacle amidst the many mountain peaks.

Nearby rest many landmarks including Farspine Monestary from the overlooking Farspine mountain peak, Daeds Outreach at Dorums Plateau.

This campaign has a rich pedigree of characters, a growing scope of challenges with a complex range of variables born of the players doings. The campaign is written as a sitcom, where over an average of 5 hours I take my players through a few paces of drama and the battles that may ensue.

While the combat ranges from base to intensely contextual, the story aims to involve everyone to a degree based on what their character needs out of the world.

I take a lot of pride in how this campaign has turned out, and I can't wait to leave it behind for my next story.

Walthonor Pograff


An aging man in his early 50's, Wally (Oris Pograff), as his close friends know him, is an athletic and pious Pelorite who is ever the steady hand and soothing voice in times of stress.

A piton in the storm that was the Dwarven Wars he maintained the populous with morning mass, leading triage and conducting surgeries. His magics while not the strongest in advancement, have the most potency of any priest in the church.

He is up with the sunrise each morning and jogs in a pair of shortened breeches save the coldest where he wears a pair of long furry leggings.

He is known, but not well known, beyond the church walls.

He has a robust family, of eight sons and four daughters. Two of his sons are priests of Pelor, and a daughter has taken to the library, following the ways of Oghma.

His wife, Lillian Pograff, provides services in the Orphanage since it opened.

Since he has suffered his seizure, he has been placed in bed care for some weeks, tended to closely by all in the church.

"He shall have the finest care." -- Vane Thal'adriel

Walthonor Pograff passed away in the Pinnacle Garden under the light of Pelor; he was discovered by his up coming class of neophytes to be sitting smiling into the sky blue horizon, his robe open and his chest exposed.

After a short service and a private family celebration, Mr. Pograff was interred alongside his fore bearers in the sanctums underneath the Church of Sun & Scroll.

In his last will and testament, Walthonor wrote, "I pen these words as a young man knowing one day I will be gone. I have so far lived my life with the recklessness my mother feared I enjoyed. I hope that when my spirit passes on, it leaves a body weathered by activity and a mind full of experiences."

The will continues through the standard fare of dolings, written by Pograff in his later years. Among these are quips such as, "To Lord Sidney Kessel Meir, I leave my gilded globe, my prize quill set, and my ink recipes. You may also have my woolen socks that you always saw fit to comment upon. I trust they'll keep your feet well and warm. I also leave my respect for a man who showed me that the heart and mind can work together. Oh, I had nearly forgotten to note, that I did find that key after all, and I put it on a ring as you had suggested. Alas, I have misplaced the ring."

Since his passing, a few of the priests who would join Walthonor, Pelorite and Oghmite alike, have begun to gather for morning runs through the city.





Grandfather to Orion Fall, his lordship was claimed by the Dwarven Wars and is remembered fondly by many of the houses as a fair and just man of stature.

His legacy is in several training techniques passed throughout the kingdom, from CoS hand to hand to CoI shield tactics.





Known for innovations in metallurgy, Lord Tursq leads a group of small teams in the development of stronger and stronger metals by blending ores, alchemical substances and occasional arcane words.

He does not personally develop many of the productions any longer, but he works hard to see that the projects are curated and that they are not wasting resources or time.





Tursq Ardratiche took his name from his grandmothers side of the Fall family after a disagreement between him and his father, the Late Lord Yvan Fall.

He married Lady Esther Lagos who had recently decided to persue a different path then her parents and peers and together they have taken the Fall's metallurgy secrets to another level.

Himself a practiced alchemist, he is one of the heads of the Merchants Guild, and the Ardratiche Skunkworks.

Tursq is a 6' 4" man of wiry muscle and dwarflike facial hair with a balded head. He has a triangular head and a robust nose on which he carries a pair of equally robust spectacles.

He is known to wrestle with his subordinates, and carousing with Ricarrum Esquee. He has a loose relationship with Berholdt Ketterrog to his wifes chagrin.





A storied lineage that stretches back to the beginning of the Cloud Spires civilization, this family holds ties with many factions within and without the mountains.

They are responsible for the first peace between the elves and humans and hold today, even in their absence, as a force of memory.

Though unspoken, the family is the resolute and Royal family, known for putting it all on the line, and coming out on top.

Harrison Saxburg is prince of the house hold and the Royals Peak with veto power over council movements. The role consists of a great deal of soft power, maintained by Malchor and Elizabetha before their unfortunate demise.

His father, Malchor, was recently discovered to be alive nearly two years after the horrible crash that claimed his mother Elizabetha (of the Vogon house).

During Harrisons absence, the family was being watched over by Lord Leostrad Vogon.



Dorum Thaladriel


A priest who arrived by airship 800 years prior to the events of the current timeline, Dorum was a devout member of the Oghmin and dutifully sought to establish his church within Royals Peak (then known as Norths Rest).

He was met with resistance as at the time the elves were followers of Corellon Larethian and Pelor but he found friendship in a few of the more open minded priests.

In time he secured the respect of the community by providing translation between the elves and humans, and demonstrating considerable historical knowledge regarding both sides.

He managed to gather a few followers and eventually set upon his pilgrimage establishing the first routes to the surrounding landmarks, helping explore and map the outlying mountain range and finally find the perfect site for the city that would be Royals Peak.



Royal Militia


The Royal Militia is populated by the best soldiers of the Fighters Guild and mercenaries that agree to be contracted by the Royal Houses.

Faramore Barl is the current head of the Royal Militia.





The House Thal'adriel rests on an ancient name from a time far gone. From yesteryear until now the men and women of this esteemed family have been blessed by the gods Torm, Pelor, Oghma and Mystra. Their members making the most devout followers who in turn are blessed with the most devout of followers. The family line roots from the Elven city Shalogh and it's secret has been unknown to all but the family itself. Thal'adriel women are known for their influence, stricken by the very gods motivation to become the epitome of their faith.

It is said that a day will come when the chosen shall rise among the house Thal'adriel, a legend repeated by even the lips of the heretic, Daed Al Icarr.



Ice Wine


The Summerhill family is rebuilding their fields in an effort to regrow their Wine business, which had allegedly reached as far as Calimshan.



Summerhill Skytrain


While most of the houses suckle the teat of the CloudSpires Mining Company the Summerhill family has been operating a successful fleet airships conducting food and wine shipments to and from the kingdom.

Until recently, the family appreciated a successful Ice Wine industry with fields of trees growing successively larger yields, but when the Dwarven Wars struck, these fruits were quickly set ablaze by the dwarves fearsome tactics.

Holding their wealth by allowing their train to be used by the kingdom for whatever necessary, they have suffered some casualties and losses but the skytrain continues to provide a successful route of trade and travel and with the lifted threat, the fields are being replanted in the hopes that they can reach their magnitude once again.





Uncle Ketterrog, or Lucretias brother, is an overweight and pompous but conniving business man

He is distrustful of others, quick to anger and blustery.

At times he speaks good sense in public but mostly chooses to chide and deride any opposition to his ideas, while ignoring those that don't concern him directly and stuffing his face when the opportunity presents.

He is tactically minded but despises activity or witnessing it. He typically fills his days with wine, whores and Lucreatias bidding, If he sees an opportunity to turn a profit, he takes it.

A stout man of five and a half feet height, and four feet width, he marches with a simple purpose and is not afraid of confrontation, much to his sisters chagrin. At times, he is unable to withhold remarks that only inflame situations. Fortunately, his blaggart behaviour renders him as a joke among the high class crowd, causing his insults to fall flat no matter how cutting. Regardless of this, he is still feared as he is the darkness to Esquees light.

Where Riccarrum provides a decent wage, the comforts of comraderie and is generally a favourable employer, Borrj, is not. This is not to paint him as a slave driver, as Lucretia understands the importance of a healthy and happy team of workers, and Borrj is not dumb. Borrj demands respect and what he doesn't get from the high class folks, he gets from his workers.

Borrj is not afraid to see blood on his hands, but understand the importance of face, and has been reported to have paid for complete renovations for taverns in the kingdom, or set up whores for life.

There are also multiple rumours stating that one or another individual has disappeared after a bad exchange with Borrj.

In general, the houses and their representatives avoid dealing with Borrj directly.



Norths Rest


The original name of the Royals Peak settlement, established by Aurie Saxburg.



Aurie Saxburg


The founding mother responsible for bringing civilization to the mountain range 1200 years ago. As a half elf seeking a place of respite, her airship crashed in the peaks after being caught in a heinous cyclone of windstorms.

On the verge of survival, she and the few survivors managed to fortify themselves within nearby caves subsisting on mushrooms, and water found within the depths of the mountain.

Once the summer sun came, she had established herself the leader of the clan and over the course of a few short months they managed to quarry and construct dwellings upon the highest peak, in the hopes they would attract the attention of passing airships and be rescued from their fate.

Alas this was not to be the case, and years passed until as luck would have it, another airship crashed upon the mountan top, this one laden with elves, a number of treasures and subsequently the alliance was borne for survival between elves and humans.

In time they would produce offspring and flourish and eventually an airship did pass by, and offered gold for respite from the mountain stress. A roost was constructed, and trade began as word spread of the burgeoning establishment in the north.

In time, Aurie passed away and her lineage continued, delving into the very caves they survived within to mine the ore that became the backbone of a kingdom.





Commander of the Royal Militia and owner of the Royals Peak Fighters Guild Faramore Barl is an accomplished Paladin of no small stature. He is aging, pushing his late fifties but no push over. He is one of the sole Paladins able to call on either of the two gods Oghma or Pelor (because fuck you, I'm the DM).

He is a devout Lawful Good follower of the Church of Sun & Scroll and cedes to the clergy in cases where militant action would prove a heavy hand.

He has spent his decades helping to care for and curate the population, justly encouraging and discouraging activities as a Paladin of the church ought.

He is verbally against the actions that Vane has taken against Sid although he cannot abide the outcomes that Sid has caused. He is muddled on the matter and when conversations begin to become heated about the topic, he has to excuse himself.

Armor Class: 21 (Half Plate Armor +3)

Hit Points: 255 (30d10 +90)

Speed: 30ft (9m / 6 sqr)

Proficiency: +9


21 (+5)


11 (+0)


17 (+3)


13 (+1)


15 (+2)


15 (+2)

Skills: Religion +6 Athletics +10 Persuasion +7 History +6

Saving Throws: Strength +10 Constitution +8

Challenge: 13 (10000 XP)

Racial Features

Ability Modifiers: +1 to all

Languages: speaks Common, Elven, Celestial, Abyssal and knows a little halfling.


Multiattack. The Holy Champion makes four weapon melee attacks or four ranged attacks.

Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack +14 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 19 (4d6 +5 ) slashing damage.

Properties: Heavy, Two-handed,

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack +9 to hit, range 150/600, one target. Hit: 9 (2d8 +0 ) piercing damage.



Court of the Everpresent


The 'court of forever' as it's colloquailly known, is a collection of tapestries depicting various respected individuals from the Royals Peak history.

Aurie Saxburg

Dorum Thaladriel





A militant and able family of airship commanders, they hold stock in several trading routes through the Summerhill Skytrain and provide troops while dealing in trade goods.

They are in direct rivalry to the Ketterrog family after the insult that Ivor Ketterrog brought upon their house. They have attempted public revenge and continue to petition for justice.





A family of labourers and generally capable service providers. Their organizations are ranged but all to do with helping fix or build things in one fashion or another. Good people.

The Esquee family maintains the public school and tutors in the Royals Peak. Although some families will contract scholars from passing motes or ships, the Esquee family conducts a brisk trade of talent through their contacts that affords them a broad selecton and typically better people.

Their engineers are responsible for a great number of things, including bridge construction within the city supporting roads clinging to the higher areas of the Royals Peaks.

The house is known for the Steamworks and the great employer it has been for the Cloud Spires at large.

Ricarrum Esquee





Elizabeth Saxburgs family before she was married to Malchor Saxburg.

Leostrad is the head of the family, his daughter Elizabeth, his son Car'Touche and his grandson Harrison.

The lady Kinestra presides as Leostrads present house matron.





"My cherished. Gone is she to the winds and I say why to hear nothing but the howl of my soul carried away. Gone will she be forever and with her goes light that Pelor cannot replace. Why must I bear this! Why!? Gone is she. So take me as well! Take me oh cruel fate! Take me as you have taken all that I held so dear! Let go of me! I'm not for this world without her! Let go of m--**sobbing**"

~Carbohn Lagos, as his servants pulled him from the tower wall.

A loving and doting mother to her children, the Lady Lagos was the unfortunate victim of an airship crash over head the Lagos family compound. Falling debris and flaming wreckage spread across the field and cleft through their home, leaving nothing to find, let alone bury.

A devout follower of the Church of Sun & Scroll she was respected among all her peers as a studious practitioner of the arcane, rising each day with the morning light and attended Pelorite mass every day.

Nobody ever questioned who she revered until she was gone, and only then in hushed tones.

Her visage was buffeted into a tapestry and hung with several others in the Court of the Everpresent.





Rough and tumble enforcer of Oghma, he helps in the security detail at the Church of Sun & Scroll.





Magically gifted but derelict in his studies, Zeremos practices with their sister Diona.





Devout priest in the service of Oghma, he conducts a lot of reading, and seems to have an eidectic memory.





A poncy fencer of small stature but large skill.

He got his height and his penchant for gold management from his mothers side of the family.

Armor Class: 12 (Padded)

Hit Points: 130 (20d8 +40)

Speed: 25ft (7,5m / 5 sqr)

Proficiency: +2


12 (+1)


12 (+1)


14 (+2)


14 (+2)


20 (+5)


17 (+3)

Skills: Insight +7 Persuasion +5 Investigation +4 History +4

Saving Throws: Wisdom +7 Charisma +5

Challenge: 2 (450 XP)

Racial Features

Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +1 Cha

Small Size: small creatures should use d6 for hit dices

Lucky: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Brave: You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Halfling Nimbleness: You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.

Stout Resilience: You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.

Languages: speaks Common and Halfling


Multiattack. The Artisan makes four weapon melee attacks or four ranged attacks.

Light Hammer. Melee Weapon Attack +3 to hit, Light, one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 +1 ) bludgeoning damage.

Properties: Light, Thrown: range 20/60,



Boris Yrronklackt


Ex-CoI (Covenant of Iron) Drill Raid captain.

Responsible for training the Lagos children.





An expert in melee thaks to the teachings of Boris Yrronklackt.

Armor Class: 16 (Ring mail, Shield)

Hit Points: 150 (20d8 +60)

Speed: 30ft (9m / 6 sqr)

Proficiency: +3


21 (+5)


15 (+2)


17 (+3)


13 (+1)


15 (+2)


11 (+0)

Skills: Athletics +8 Intimidation +3 Survival +5 Medicine +5

Saving Throws: Strength +8 Constitution +6

Challenge: 6 (2300 XP)

Racial Features

Ability Modifiers: +1 to all

Languages: speaks Common and one extra.


Multiattack. The Soldier makes four weapon melee attacks or four ranged attacks.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack +8 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 +5 ) slashing damage.

Properties: Finesse, Light,

Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack +5 to hit, range 80/320, one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 +2 ) piercing damage.



Church of Sun & Scroll


The Church of Pelor and Oghma is the core religious organization of the Cloud Spires.

Sharing the church and their duties, the worshippers of Pelor and Oghma work in a close relationship with one another. While the Pelorites are considered to be the hands of the church, the Oghmites are the thinkers. Leading the church is Archbishop Pograf of the Pelorites, and Archbishop Meir, of the Oghmites. Lord Pontiff Eddard Reville and the Chosen of Pelor, Vane Thal'adriel.

The Oghmites use their thirst for knowledge to record the history of the world, and their libraries have no rival. They are not just focused on the past; they work on recording the present, and also are in charge of certain duties with the Royals Peak as a neutral party among the family houses.

The Pelorites rather use strength than knowledge, and they are found on the battlefield - fighting for the good of the world. With the uprising of the evil forces in the land, they Pelorites formed an army of the church under the guidance of the chosen of Pelor, Vane Thal'adrial - calling themselves the Sun Walkers.

Since Sid's ousting at the militant might of Vane and his Sun Walkers, the Church has seen a shift of power and focus. Now a force against Acererak, Vane sets his sights on the destruction of the great Lich.

Meanwhile, Sid Meir, has since moved into the east, supported by Daed Al Icarr, he now is head of the Oghmite order operating the New Church of Oghma from Dodsland, to Sols Rest.



CloudSpires Mining Company


The core industry of the CloudSpires is their ability to create good steel. The CSMC produces roughly 70% of the kingdoms GDP.



Lagos Weavers Guild


Responsible for the research and development of new armours and other protective innovations for their airship technicians. Where the Ardritiche specializes in weapons & armour, the Lagos family, specializes in everything airship.

Their clothings are produced to protect against the dangers of airship development and their uniforms offer high protection (AC 13) without incurring much weight (5 lbs, 7lbs with a 2lb helmet) or flexibility issues, and still providing warmth with a removable inner wooliped lining. Perfect for the crewman labouring on a moving airship's decks in sub zero temperatures.

They've developed the finest gloves the CloudSpires has available, and they operate a charity that allows everyone who needs a pair of gloves, to have a pair of gloves.

They employ whomever wishes to learn to sew, in the development of the gloves.





A family of merchants and magic, they are a mix of Halflings and Humans at the head of which is Cecil Summerhill with his beloved Hermia and their sons, Stephen and Gabriel.

They own and operate the Summerhill Skytrain, a fleet of merchant ships carrying foods and wines to and from the Cloud Spires.





A large man of large repute, large arms and large potential for kidney failure.

Until recently a boisterous and combative individual he was stricken bereaved at the loss of his beloved Desdemona to the Dwarven Wars.

He operates the Lagos Weavers Guild and is a third stake owner of the CloudSpires Mining Company alongside Lucretia and Cecil.




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